All our suppliers certify that no child labour takes place. Checks are made annually by, among others, Fair Working Conditions (FWC), an international association working to ensure that human rights are upheld.
Guarantees are given that no employees are below the age of 15, the minimum for developing countries under the ILO Convention.
Our down and feathers used in cushions and fillings are not plucked from live birds. The feathers are treated at high temperature of 110°C for at least 30minutes. Veterinary certificates are provided.
Artwood complies with the Timber Regulation introduced in 2013 and has been approved by the Swedish Forest Agency inspection. The purpose of the Timber Regulation is to tackle the global problem of illegal felling and counteract the trade in illegally harvested timber and wood products in the European Union.
All our suppliers of teak furniture certify that only wood from plantations is used, i.e. FSC certified teak.
All our suppliers of furniture made from recycled wood certify that the wood has undergone a process in which the material has been cleaned and is free from harmful substances. Regular tests are carried out to ensure this.
We apply the Swedish Chemicals Agency´s REACH legislation. This legislation regulates the placing of chemicals on the market. We are under an obligation to produce data on chemical substances in our products and make a risk assessments to ensure that these do not harm human health or the environment.